Monday, December 8, 2008

Janice aka "Richie's Mom"

I got one of those dreaded calls; the ones that report bad news about a friend or family member. My friend Janice is in ICU. What started out to be a common health problem that required a trip to the ER has turned into something much more serious and life threatening.

I cannot stop thinking about her, her husband Fred and her family. She and I met through our sons - Sam and Richie - when they were in the same kindergarten class. Our families became melded, with the boys at each other's houses almost every weekend on sleepovers, and then going on trips with each others families, and then our sharing vacations. During those 14 years, we went through a lot of life's ups and downs and she was a tremendous support to me. The friendship was not always easy! We are as opposite as can be in some ways. I always thought that she provided Sam with fun and zaniness and I provided Richie with orderliness and schedules.

Janice is "one of a kind". Energetic beyond belief. Involved in so many activities and pulling those around her into those new and wonderful experiences. Very, very smart in a creative, imaginitive way. She can come up with a pun or clever use of words quicker than anyone I have ever met. She is forthright and not afraid of any confrontation. She is the proverbial Girl Scout (and she was a devoted leader) who carries a tote instead of a purse and can produce at a moments notice the makings for a party, campout, or flat tire repair. She does not cook. She is a talented calligrapher. She is generous beyond belief - with time and possessions. When Matt's dad died suddenly, the picture collage appeared for the funeral. When Sam was Bar Mitzvah'd, her assistance was invaluable and later, she gave him the most amazing scrapbook that remembered every detail of the event. The list of her thoughtfulness would go on for pages. She hosted numerous exchange students and just this past year visited one in Thailand. She is a fantastic photographer and not only carries a camera at all times and sometimes shoves it in your face, she documents every moment of everyone's life and then gives them a copy of the pic. In fact, if it weren't for Janice, how would I have made two huge scrapbooks of Sam's childhood? Who else brings a box of games to keep in a rental car on a vacation so the kids have something to do? Janice has never missed bringing a balloon to a birthday celebration. In fact, Janice makes life a celebration. And recently, she married a wonderful man, Fred, and her first grandchild, Ella, was born, and I have not in 14 years, seen her so happy.

Janice, I could go on and on about all of your amazing and wonderful qualitites. I am sorry that it has taken a negative event for me to tell you how much you mean to me and how much I appreciate what you have done for Sam. And I want everyone to know a little bit about you and send their positive energies your way. I am thinking of you, and praying for your recovery and sending all my love,.

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