Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lucky Mom

Captain Matt came down for a long weekend to fish with his friends, Johnny and Rune, from Norway.  Matt captained them about six years ago, when he was working as a fishing guide, and they have returned twice to go out with him.  My cousin, John Mitchell, came down from Boca Raton for the day and joined us.

It was one of those perfect days on the water.  Flat calm, deep blue water, gorgeous skies and interesting things happening everywhere.  I still find something new every time I go out into the Gulf.  This trip was no exception.  This year was a new first - pods of Pilot Whales.  Not one, but many.  They were shyer and much smaller than the Sperm Whales we saw last year, but nonetheless, a fantastic sight.  But one dumb cluck went after my favorite lure that was trolling behind the boat and chomped it off.  My cousin imagines he is the punk of the group with a new piercing hanging from his lip (which will quickly rust away).  I hope he is enjoying my $10 Billy Bait mini-turbo slammer.

Later, a simple piece of plastic floating by itself in the Gulf Stream produced a school of Mahi-Mahi.  They hang out under the debris eating the little bait fish that work on the seaweed.  One little piece of flotsam is all that is needed.  I have caught many fish under one thin reed of bamboo.  It just needs a little time in the water to get a little bit of seaweed on it.  It is a hierarchy of the food chain right before your eyes.  We trolled past it and BAM, we hooked up.  Leaving that fish on the line brings the rest of the school toward the boat and then we have fun.  We cast chunks of bait out on light tackle and catch our dinner.  The fish are jumping, the lines are getting crossed and we are all whooping and hollering.  Such fun and chaos.  When we have kept enough bigger fish to eat, the rest are thanked and let go.  And when the action is over, the boat is a mess, we are a mess and high fives all around.

We then saw a school of small Bonita busting the surface of the water and jumping about.  We hustled over to the area, imagining a school of tuna underneath chasing the little Bonita about. Instead of catching any tuna, we caught one of the little Bonita and John had a brilliant idea to leave it out as bait.  We hung around for 5 or ten minutes with chum floating from our chum bag and watched the school of Bonita under the boat. Amazing to see so far down into the clear water.  Suddenly, another BAM and a sailfish was leaping and tail walking and the battle was on.  After bringing the fish to the boat, Capt. Matt and Johnny hoisted it up for a very quick photo and then back into the water to be carefully re-oxygenated, and released to enjoy feasting on the Bonita. 

Later today I will be going out to try for a Tarpon under a bridge.  We caught the bait right out in our canal last night.  I live in a magical place.  Wish me a lucky Mother's Day!

 Hanging on to my boy!

 Johnny, Capt. Matt, Rune and John

 Wonderful fresh fish for dinner.  Thank you bountiful sea and Happy Mother's Day to you, Mother Nature.  I thank you every day!

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