Sunday, June 14, 2009

I guana tell you a story...

Remember the scene in "Caddyshack" where everyone flees the swimming pool in hysteria when they mistake a floating Baby Ruth candy bar for doo doo? Well, we had a reenactment at the Sea Dell. Actually, three reenactments over the past few weeks when guests approached me with looks of subdued disgust and mentioned in low tones that there seemed to be, uh hum, "poop" in the pool.

After prolific apologies, I took a net and scooped out the questionable guano and reassured the guest that it was not human, but appeared to be an animal's and that we were profusely sorry. I made a note to staff to inspect the pool every AM. And, yet, it happened twice again, which puzzled all of us, since we were inspecting the pool every morning. I kept watching for some gigantic heron or pelican, thinking they were dropping gifts from above.

But, today we got our answer. A family of three guests were swimming merrily in the pool, when a huge iguana climbed under the gate from nearby landscaping and took a swim with them. In fact, instead of the normal fear of humans, he appeared to be annoyed that someone was in "his" pool. Then, he proceeded to go to the edge of the pool to climb out and left us a gift! Question answered, but problem not solved. Now, how to catch the pooping pest??

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