Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I had a couple ride up on their bikes today looking for a room. No problem, they liked what they saw and we checked them in. When I asked about how they got here, I learned that they rode here from Montreal, Quebec. 37 days. One day to go to reach Key West. Then, they fly home. And, they have done the trip 4 times since 2001! The couple was perhaps late 60's age wise although they might have been in their 30's and aged that much on the way! There were pretty weather-beaten. He told me he just loves to ride his bike. All I could think of was how much my tush hurts after riding 20 minutes on my beach bike around the neighborhood! I think I will take my glass of wine and recline on the couch and watch TV and think about it.


  1. Carolyn,

    I love you blog stories, they are always to interesting.

    Kathy Alcorn

  2. message should have said, if I had proof read it first,

    "I love your blog stories, they are always so interesting."
