Thursday, April 1, 2010

Snow Globe on My Shoulders

I woke up this morning thinking about my recent thought processes. I do alot of my best imagery in the early hours and wonder if I dream what I wake up thinking about. The image that came to me was that my brain was a snow globe and someone has just shaken me violently and I have got swirls of obsessive thoughts like little white flakes of detritus clouding my clear view.

It all started Monday, when I finally had my deposition by the evil Welliver's lawyer. What a "ginormous" waste of my time and my money since I had to have my $375 an hour lawyer there also. The deposition is part of our case that is now 18 months old against a couple who we knew (and I thought were our friends) who offered us a 5% ownership of a motel in the Keys in exchange for Harry's help in finding them a property (which he did), getting them financing based on his existing reputation with the local banks as a motel operator and his future involvement (which he did), and our getting the property operating and provide ongoing supervision (which we did). And, when the closing was done, and the operation was running after months of our work, they reneged on their offer. The deposition involved 5 hours of repetitive useless questioning. I must have said "you have already asked that and I have already answered that" a hundred times. The only fun I had was when our lawyer, who is Jewish, kept harping to the other lawyer that it was Passover and that she needed to get the deposition finished and go home for Seder. She did that to aggravate the Welliver's, because Robert Welliver called in a drunken state late one night and called Harry a fat Jew bastard. He sure didn't care if Harry was Jewish when he got that huge loan thanks to Mr. Harry Caplan.

The next day followed with more drama of a family nature. Complications over a planned vacation with kids and kid's in-laws that got more and more involved until I decided to step out of the equation and plan something a little less complicated and not have to share my grand kids.

But the interesting thing is why the brain has times of peacefulness and clarity and other times of cloudiness and obsessive thinking? Why sleep comes so easily some nights and other nights are fitful. Why memories and thoughts seem to get stirred up and then like the white flakes in the snow globe, have to drift calmly down until they are settled and undisturbed once again.

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