Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sea Dell Nursing Home

We have added a new service to our motel - care of the aged. Last night, the Marathon police called Harry around 2 AM looking for a room for a couple in their 90's who had apparently been found driving aimlessly around town in a confused state. They had gotten lost and driven about 4 hours from their home in Florida, and ended up down in the middle of the Keys before they got some assistance from one of our police force. They had no money, no credit cards and the cop put the room on his debit card until the couple's son could be located. This morning, the woman, who was pretty confused, asked Lacey, our manager, if she was in jail. And, she wanted to know when breakfast was served! Lacey, who is a sweetheart, ran out and got them some food and turned off their A/C as they were freezing at 78 degrees and bundled them up with extra blankets. Then she checked in on them all morning despite the fact that she was on "running" mode all morning. The son arrived and took them away and the policeman even stopped by to check on them. This is living in a small town. People really take care of one another.

I love these kinds of motel episodes. But I have to wonder about the driving capabilities of someone in his 90's who is lost and keeps driving for 4 hours looking for his home. Thank you Marathon police force who are there in seconds whenever we need you, and thank you Lacey who has a heart of gold and a smile to go with it.

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