Friday, July 23, 2010

The Empty Nest

After a visit from Jack and Matt, Matt's brother-in-law Ryan, and Sam's friend Amy who lives in San Fransisco - and then everyone departing including Sam (for a visit "up north"), it is quiet around Manatee Insanity. Too quiet, perhaps.

This was the 2nd Annual Urich Boy's Fishing trip, but the weather did not cooperate one bit. The winds were consistently blowing enough to make a trip out to the Gulf Stream unpleasant and not doable with Jack on board. We were disappointed, but filled the time with activity. Harry and the boys and I headed over to Sanibel Island on the gulf coast for a couple days. Jack wore us out with swimming in the ocean and pool and a night time flash light adventure down the beach hunting for shells and crabs. We teased Grandpa Harry a good deal over a crab that scurried toward him instead of away, and according to Jack, he "screamed like a girl" when the crab landed on his foot. We ate seafood and Matt was able to visit with a college buddy who happened to be staying with his family on the island. I appreciated that Matt would discuss politics for hours on end with Harry and give me some relief!

When Uncle Ryan "Ry-Ry" Fitzpatrick arrived, we feasted on Doc Ford's Yucatan shrimp (a dish recreated from a favorite spot in Sanibel) and the younger crowd hung out long after Jack and his grandparents went to bed. The next day we drove to Marathon to swim at the motel, did tourist activities and also did some evening shark fishing. Our last day was spent in the secluded and sheltered mangroves catching snappers and a last dinner out with a nightcap at the Pilot House bar that has underwater lights and glass in the floorboards and tubes to feed the fish. Jack ended the night with a solo dance to the band playing "Teach Your Children" by Crosby, Stills and Nash. Good taste.

Jack went to the airport, wearing his new shirt backwards since he liked the design and his new pirate gear. I wonder is the TSA took his plastic sword away?

I miss them. And, I am sure that in a few years, I will be able to have both Ruby and Jack here for Grammy Care's Day Camp. Jack loves Florida and did not want to leave. When I asked him if he wouldn't miss everyone in Ohio, he told me he could go there on holidays! I encouraged him to work on his Mom. Maybe they will come back some day!

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