Monday, July 12, 2010


I have calmed down from my confrontation with the TSA, but I am not done. I have researched the new scanning device, which are called, in some reports, a virtual strip search. There are questions about safety from exposure. And, the TSA itself stated that the scan was to replace pat downs. Apparently they forgot to tell the folks in Albuquerque. I will be writing my protest letters to my congresswoman and such, but of course, I will get the usual canned responses I always do. I remember being a child and a real treat was to get our feet xrayed in a machine in the shoe department in the downtown Youngstown department store we went to for our oh-so sturdy Stride Rites. The radiation hazards associated with shoe fitting x-ray units were recognized as early as 1950. The machines were often out of adjustment and were constructed so radiation leaked into the surrounding area. Who knew?? And who knows what the effects from these body scans will be.

On a more positive note, my trip to Albuquerque was to visit my stepdaughter Jezebel, her husband Matt and there two babies, our grandchildren, Jenavieve and Anastasia. This visit followed my trip to Ohio the week before to attend my granddaughter Ruby's second birthday and visit her brother Jack and parents, Matt and Megan.
Ohio weather was lovely. Warm days and cool nights. Everything looked so lush but I found myself missing palm trees. I didn't think that would ever happen! I did enjoy seeing grass though, and Matt and Megan's looked particularly beautiful since they had a new sprinkler system installed. Down here, grass is difficult to grow so rock and coral are substitutes in many yards. Several highlights of the visit were: Ruby kissing my hand after I arrived and telling me she missed me. Jack lying in bed with me sharing stories and telling me "someone loves you more than anything in the whole world - me!" Our birthday dinner at the famous Tony Packo's and Megan's sister going into labor and delivering a beautiful baby girl the next morning with Megan there to witness. Jack and Ruby and I going to see Toy Story 3 - Jack wearing the new pajamas I gave him that he didn't want to take off.

The trip to Albuquerque was very different. Albuquerque is in the high desert and the scenery is so very different. Much of the landscaping is called "zeroscape" and it is very architectural with stones, cactus and soil. With mountains in the background, and very expansive skies, it is quite striking. Matt and Jezebel live on the Rio Grande river in a very interesting contemporary home built by an architect. Since Jezebel is an artist and has a gallery, the home is simply furnished with plants and art. And now, toys and baby equipment. Everywhere. Their daughters are 15 months apart. Jenievieve is 19 months, very sweet and soft spoken. I am very struck by how much she resembles Sammy as a baby. Anastasia is a very sweet baby also, and they are very lucky. We all went to dinner at a very upscale restaurant and fortunately had a private room, but nonetheless, the kids were wonderful. Ana needed some bouncing and fussing over because she is the opposite of her sister - she bellows! We visited Jezebels gallery in Madrid (where part of the movie "Wild Hogs" was filmed) and if you want to step back in time to the hippy dippy days of the 60's - this is the place. I love the town and Jezebel's gallery is just beautiful with her lighting. We also visited Matt's office. How about having your own ping pong table and exercise equipment? We enjoyed spending time and catching up, because we don't get to see them as often as we would like.

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