Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Banana Room

The word that Sam used the most through his adolescence was "banana." I don't know why, actually, but it was the answer to many questions, and comments such as "you're a banana" popped out of his mouth. I think if was an avoidance technique and as annoying as when a kid repeats what you say back to you. When we used to go back and forth to the Keys, before moving here, we decorated a downstairs room for Sam and I made this sign. Since Sam has moved into the bigger apartment downstairs, the "Banana Room" is often used for guests who want their own space and privacy. It has all of the amenities, minus a stove. But since I do the cooking around here, no one is complaining.

March hosted an array of guests. First, Matt and his boss came for a long weekend of fishing. In exchange for a plane ticket to paradise, Matt played captain again. Oh, he just hates that. So much that he never stops grinning. We had a very nice visit and three great weather days. The catching wasn't as great as usual but the fishing was.

After Matt's visit, my brother Tom Nord, arrived for his annual trek south. We love having him here and he, Harry and Sam just seem to find endless puttering tasks. I go about my usual routines and leave the boys behind because their conversation has little interest to me. I mean, how can you talk cars for ten days straight? Tom purchased a Saab convertible in Orlando, brought it here and with a very small investment in parts, fixed it to resell for a tidy profit. During Tom's visit, Sam's best friend Susan and two girlfriends arrived for OSU's spring break. Full house and lots of fun.

Now everyone has gone and we are somewhat back to normal. Harry finished yet another idea of mine - a small water lily pond where the sewer installers trashed the front landscaping. Although it needs a plant, and some time to grow mossy, the effort was fantastic. I like this arrangement! I suggest the creation and he does the labor!

So, the "Banana Room" is empty until our next company arrives. In the meantime, I have some ideas for remodeling it also...

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