One day at home and then on to see Jenavieve and Anastasia in Albuquerque. Grandson Daniel was in the States from Brazil and met us there. He had been in Disney World for spring break with his girlfriend's family. We had not seen him in two years. He is in architecture school in Rio and such a sweet, kind young man. His English is very good - much better than our Portuguese. The girls, ages 3 and almost 2, warmed up to us after a bit of time and we had a great time visiting the Children's Museum and a Children's play venue. We even got a babysitter and had a grown-ups dinner out. Jenavieve is a little peanut who hates to sit still and eat. I got her to eat a piece of broccoli - in and out - and she was so kind as to share it on my plate after she tried it. She is sweet and speaks in a very quiet voice. Ana was a little more shy and very "mommy" oriented at this point in time. She has fantastic fine motor skills and is amazingly focused on tasks. I came home and was exhausted. I just cannot jump in bouncy houses like I used to... got to share
12 years ago
If you love golf I hope you know about the Mayakoba Golf Classic. It is Mexico’s only PGA TOUR event and it airs on the Golf Channel from February 23-26! Like them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter to stay in the loop of this exciting tournament.