Matt brought the kids over from Toledo to stay overnight during my recent visit to Cleveland and while he cheered our Brownies on to victory, I took the kids down to my niece, Erin and her husband Dave's home in Vienna, Oh. Missing in photos, is brother Tom, who visited also. We went to the original Quaker Steak and Lube in Sharon, Oh (don't even bother with the franchises - you have to go to the original and see the motorcycles lined up) for wings. Then on to Erin and Dave's beautiful house that Dave built, to visit. The kids entertained, as usual. Dominic, who is turning 5, is a Steeler's fan much to his parents dismay. Asked why and his answer - "because they win and go to the Super Bowl." Logical? Gianna, who is the ultimate fashionista at the age of six, changed outfits twice and settled on a denim skirt and tank top, and of course, Miss Ruby, who is three, made me dig out hers to wear to match. Thank you Erin for fixing Ruby's hair! Trying to dress the kids Sunday morning was a challenge, since Daddy packed the overnight bag and seemed to have forgotten most everything. Especially since he took them the day before on an adventure in the Metroparks which included lots of water and mud. Erin did a load of wash for me, and of course found the requisite rubber crayfish in the laundry that fell out of Jack's pocket. Almost gave her an MI. Boys and treasures in their pockets! The group left for Dom's first flag football game, and Jack, Ruby and I headed to downtown Cleveland to meet up with their dad who was on a high from the Brown's win (I think that was what he was on a high from). The kids were too silly to get a good photo. Walking to dinner, I told Jack the expression "girls rule and boys drool." He said in a serious voice, "Grammy Care, that isn't nice to say." I looked over at him to apologize and he had spit drooling out of his mouth and down his chin. We cracked up. Soon it was time to say goodbye, and Jack's happy face turned to tears. He is such a tender heart - he always gets sad when I leave and that really brings me down. Ruby is another story. A sweet tender kiss and she is ready to roll. At least this time she didn't lick me goodbye! got to share
12 years ago
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