Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Jungle Humor

I was sent this photo from a new friend, Rita, whom I met on the trip. It was taken during our hike in the Amazon rain forest but since I was at the top of the hill, I could not retreat back down to take a look at what all the commotion was about. All along the hike, our guide was pointing out this herbal remedy and that healing plant and all the myriad of natural remedies derived from nature along the way. All I could hear behind me regarding this particular jungle growth were twittering and comments about men coming to steal it, natural Viagra, etc. I had no idea what they were talking about until Rita showed us the photo during dinner a couple nights later and of course, after a glass of wine or two, the jokes got really silly. Like - weren't we viewing the photo upside down, etc. The best was when her husband, Helmut, who is as laid back and quiet as they get, commented, when we were discussing how the "root" was used to obtain the medicinal properties popped out with - "you have to squeeze it." I have some great ideas about using this in a birthday card for a friend who is soon to achieve a milestone birthday.

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