My grandson Jack and my son, Matt, picked me up at the Detroit airport. I thought they were outside in the car and I stepped off the escalator and marched forward to baggage so that I could get outside. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little kid streak across the floor, screech to a stop in front of me and when I looked down it was Jack. I was so surprised and delighted that when I bent down with all my carry-ons dangling to give him a hug we toppled over onto the floor. Matt said we delighted the surrounding people who "aahed" over the scene.
We toured the Henry Ford museum in Detroit as our first stop and that eveni
The week was relaxing and I found myself getting mellower as the days went by. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a restless nature and am not a great "sitter". I found I enjoyed the simplest of activities! Playing Scattergories, making S'mores, picking wildflowers with the kids, taking walks, boating, laying in the hammock (always with three or four little bodies climbing in also), fishing, riding a golf cart around the island and, at night, watching the Perseid meteors in the most clear sky (and being able to see the Milky Way). But, most of all, just being with family and people you love and care about and catching up.
Highlights of the week: Ruby Kate had a stomach bug which got to three of the four kids. It didn't seem to cramp their style, but there were some "accidents" from both ends causing excitement (especially when on the boat out on Lake Erie). Dom, who is a year younger than the other two four year olds struggled to keep up with the big kids and he and Jack in particular had the testosterone going. No one could ever be "second", "slower", or have a toy that the other didn't want. Dom was talking in his sleep and his mom heard him say "Jack, don't take my truck." Wish my bad dreams were so simple! Jack walked in to the house and smelled Erin's delicious dinner cooking and said "That is the taste of my life." He and Dom would get into a spat, and Dom would start to cry and then Jack would crumble and cry. He can be bossy and tough one minute and sugar sweet and sensitive the next. When I said goodbye to him the day I left, he stopped what he was doing, looked up with tears welling in his eyes and said, "I am going to miss you." And if anyone thinks boys and girls are not different from day one, they are crazy! Dom and Jack could occupy themselves by throwing rocks, or on the boat with their pet fish - which were really dead minnows used for bait - by naming them, holding them, kissing them. Ugh. Gianna would not be interested in a dead fish. In fact, Gianna, as I have learned, is a real princess. Not the type you are thinking - she is the Disney type. Because her Grammy told her. She twirls and primps and dances and poses and is as girly as imaginable. And, considering how sweet and beautiful she is, maybe she really is a princess. I wouldn't be surprised if a movie comes out soon starring her.
Spending time with my beautiful nieces and daughter-in-law, my siblings, my son and nephew-in-law rounded up the week. Thanks to all for the great time, memories, laughs, listening and company. I love you all.
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