Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Buena Suerte to the Giron family

There is a big hole in the staff of the Sea Dell and no one will be able to fill it. Lacey, our manager, and her husband Marvin, our all-around Mr. Fix-It, leave for Guatemala tomorrow. Marvin has been living in the U.S. for nine years as an illegal alien and he is going home to have his immigration hearing and get his green card. The lawyers say that it should happen in about six months, and we are hoping sooner. The positives: Marvin has not seen his family in nine years. If he went home before, he couldn't return. And, now he won't have to look over his shoulder and worry that he will be picked up and sent back without so much as a goodbye. The negatives: leaving family, home and jobs for an indefinite period of time and worrying about the outcome of the hearing.

Lacey and Marvin met on the beach one New Year's Eve. Neither was looking to meet someone, but that chance meeting changed their lives. Marvin didn't want to leave Lacey to return to Guatemala and making a living for both of them was much easier here. They eventually got married, and kept it a secret for a long time. They are a terrific couple! Hard working, conscientious, reliable, honest, caring and smart. It was easy to be happy about their union. Last year they added Brianna to their family and turned out to be wonderful parents also.

I am very proud of Harry for helping Lacey and Marvin obtain a lawyer and begin the legalization process. His encouragement and support and interactions with the lawyers were, in my opinion, what got them this close to having a real future, free of worry, with an open door to opportunity and success. Marvin contributes to our society, and enhances it, by being a kind, loving and responsible father, husband, friend and citizen. What possible reason can there be for keeping him out?

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