Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sailfishing is Not For Sissies

I spent the last three days on the water sailfishing. I have more bruises, scrapes, cuts and even managed to get a hook stuck in my ankle (which Matt was able to retrieve via a wonderful technique that avoids having to push the barb back out through and clipping it off - ouch!). It was totally worth it! We had a blast.

Matt's boss gave staff the Friday after New's Years off so Megan encouraged Matt to come down to the Keys to fish and we hustled to find him a flight. The weather cooperated and we had some luck.

Matt caught a beauty on day one and the fight lasted for 45 minutes. He was caught on light tackle and 15# test line. I managed to drive the boat and not lose the fish although there were some tense moments and the usual yelling that we do when we have a fish on. The second day we went out with another friend and hooked one but I lost it. We did get a king fish in the boat for Matt's friend Creighton to smoke. Day three brought a double hook up and finally I managed to catch and release another big fish. We estimated the weight to be around #100 (don't forget, there may be a bit of exagerration, but not a lot). I was tired after the fight but boy, does the adrenaline kick in!!! Add lots of whooping and hollering every time the fish leaps and tailwalks and it is one excited experience. I must have made a lot of noise because after the battle and the fish was released, we were surrounded by boats trying to get in on our luck. Matt is a great fishing buddy and it was just a great time all around.

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