Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bragging Rights

OK, I know everyone thinks they have the best looking, most intelligent, sweetest, kindest, cleverest grandchildren. But, I do!!

I just got back from a weekend in Toledo for Jack Douglas's 4th birthday. I have been there for every birthday and, thanks to my gracious daughter-in-law, and her wonderful parents, I get to participate in the celebration with their large, welcoming family.

Jack is a very smart little boy and the questions really kept me on my toes. How do you answer questions like "what is a bubble", or "how does my finger move?" Phew! What could be better than a little face peering at you from the edge of the bed early in the morning with an impish smile and then climbing in for a cuddle? I think one of the cutest things he said was when we were sharing a big chair and making Bendaroo art (which Grandpa Harry had to UPS overnight to get there in time since they arrived in Key Largo too late to go with me) and Jack said "Grammy Care, you and I should make play dates." When I was ready to walk out the front door to leave for the airport, he came flying from the back of the house yelling "Grammy Care, wait - I have to tell you something." I stopped, knelt down and asked "what" and he said - "I love you." Oh boy, waterworks...

And Ruby! Oh my. She is chubbly, kissable, delicious, gorgeous and stares at you like you are the most interesting thing she has ever seen. I fell in love with her a long time ago but she just keeps getting better and better! But, as you can see from my pictures - she will NOT smile for a camera. And, I just had to include the runny nose photo! She got too mad at me when I tried to wipe it.

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